Welcome to the Durham Tech Gamers Club!

Become a Member Now!
elm-pg-billboard-cta Gamers Club Logo

About Us

The Durham Tech Gamers Club provides a space for current  students and employees to play and compete in games of their choice. Gamers Club also provides space for and encourages other forms of gaming such as card, board, and tabletop gaming. Club members get to try out new games brought weekly by members, and engage in friendly multiplayer competition. From showing off single-player skills to participating in mini-bracket tournaments, players get to interact with one another for bragging rights. 


Casual Gaming - console gaming, tabletop games, trivia games, card games, VR games, and much more!   

Competitive Gaming Fortnite, COD Warzone, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Street Fighter, Rocket League, and much more!

Campus Engagement - engaging in open discussions, campus volunteer opportunities 

Professional Development Game Development Certification programs

Campus Leadership Executive Leadership training

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Joining the Durham Tech Gamers Club has been an incredible experience! The events are always exciting, and I've made so many great friends. The club has truly enhanced my college life.
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- Alex Johnson

Durham Tech Student